ROOTT Implants offers the greatest variety of dental implants amongst the major dental implant providers in the UK. Working with the leading Dental Professional community, ROOTT has extended its implant range to offer solutions to potentially avoid bone grafting.
The ROOTT S Implant range starts from a 2.05mm neck with screw retained prosthetic options providing Practitioners the opportunity to offer implants to patients with very narrow ridge bone area without the need for bone grafting.
ROOTT also offers one-piece implants with an innovative 15 degree bendable neck. The extra flexibility aid Practitioners to improve the positioning to create a parallel to the crest and anchorage to the atrophied bone. These implants provide Practitioners with solutions that may have not been possible without preparatory bone restoration work.

ROOTT P the Pterygoid Implant designed to restore the posterior part of the Maxilla without Sinus lift and bone grafting. Immediate or delayed loading is possible. Cantilever Bridges can also be avoided, procedures known to be unreliable in areas of much bite force. This implant has helped Practitioners significantly reduce both surgery time and healing time. ROOTT has sought to simplify implantology, improving primary anchorage, reducing healing times and saving Dental Practitioners time.
ROOTT – Best Choice for Practitioners
The ROOTT Implant system has been designed with the Practitioner at the forefront of the design.
The toolbox has been careful designed to assist Practitioners follow a simple step-by-step graphical guide. Following through the steps Practitioner should achieve a strong anchorage and lower the risk of failure.
The tools follow a visual guide aligned with different types of implants, providing compatible tooling across the majority of the implant range, leading to fewer tools. All the tools have their own reserved spot in a neat and tidy toolbox.

ROOTT colour coding system understands the challenges of working with numerous components in implantology and the difficulties to ensure the correct application of components. The carefully colour coded accessories makes it easier for Practitioners to help ensure they are working with the correct component. One less thing for Practitioners to worry about. Practitioners can then focus on the best Patient care. ROOTT designed by Dentists for Dentists.

ROOTT – Open Dental Community for Practitioners
The OPEN DENTAL Community is a non-profit organization and has over global 20,000 members. The purpose of the group is to share best practices and cases. The group has been created by Dentists for Dentists and is free to join. The group can be found at using this link OpenDentalCommunity

The ROOTT Dental Implant System has been developed by TRATE (manufacturer) in close co-operation with members of the Open Dental Community (ODC). The community brings hundreds of years of practical experience that has helped ROOTT develop a dental implant system with the needs of the Practitioner at the heart of its design.
The ROOTT CONCEPT has dispensed with the over complicated treatment procedures recommended by implant manufacturers whom maybe limited by their products available on the market.
The Open Dental Community provides a platform for similar minded dental professional to meet and discuss new technology, implant solutions, best and challenging cases, as well as general networking opportunities. Here are a few pictures from earlier events.

TRATE – Compliance

Trust ROOTT brand of dental Implants manufactured by TRATE whom has an international team of experienced open-minded professionals, who love what they are doing and apply their knowledge for creating safe high-quality products.
TRATE operates on the quality management system based on EU MDR 2017 / 745. Products are certified in compliance with the provisions of the European Medical Device Regulation 2017 / 745. Providing Practitioners the comfort that TRATE products are fully compliant with EU Medical Device Directives.
TRATE Research & Development department works closely with highly skilled specialist to ROOTT Implants and well designed, giving practitioners the reassurance they are working with an amazing range of products.